,,bana ,guidel9es = ! ,transcrip;n ( ,e>ly ,$uca;nal ,mat]ials f ,pr9t to ,brl #a ,guidel9e #a ,physical ,page ,attributes ,/&>d brl pap] is #aa#a/b "8 #aa 9*es4 ;,k-#ast grade ,- c use #h#a/b "8 #aa l&scape or v]tical4 ,small %eets c 2 us$ to a3ommodate small h&s4 ,volume size ,- ;,k "? #crd grade ,- #ej pages4 ,br1k at logical place 9 text4 _4 ,pref]r$ br1ks wd 2 af a *apt]1 unit1 sec;n1 etc4 _4 ,"wbook & activ;y %eets1 br1k at a new activ;y4 #b ,spac+3 ;,k-#ast grade ,- ,d\ble space except3 ,s+le-space a4 prelim9>y pages ;b4 puzzles ;c4 spatial problems 9 ma? ;d4 titles ( tactile graphics ;e4 *>ts & tables ;f4 2t column h1d+ & sep>a;n l9e ;g4 alphabetic page numb]s ;h4 af top box l9e i4 2f bottom box l9e #c ,guidel9e #b ,transcrib]-,g5]at$ ,pages ,transcrib]-g5]at$ ,pages or ,prelim9>y ,pages3 _4 ,title page _4 ,subsequ5t title page _4 ,special ,symbols ,page" _4 ,transcrib]'s ,notes ,page" ,^! >e provid$ 9 ea* brl volume4 #d ,t1*]'s ,ref];e ,mat]ials ,,,special symbols us$ 9 ? volume,' .= ,dot locator = 8m5;n02 us$ 2f ea* li/$ symbol .=@#7 ,d\ble "ul9e 9dicator .=^#' ,d\ble "ul9e t]m9ator .=@.< ,op5+ transcrib]'s note 9dicator .=@.> ,clos+ transcrib]'s note 9dicator .=^1 ,bold ^w .="< ,op5+ p>5!sis .="> ,clos+ p>5!sis .=.1 ,italic ^w 9dicator .=.- ,blank 9dicat+ an answ] is ne$$4 444 #e ,,transcrib]',s ,,notes ,? volume is transcrib$ ac to .7,! ,rules ( ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl1 ,second ,$i;n #bjac2.' ! .7,,bana ,guidel9es = ! ,transcrip;n ( ,e>ly ,$uca;nal ,mat]ials f ,pr9t to ,brl2 ,brl ,=mats ,pr9ciples ( ,pr9t-to-,brl ,transcrip;n1 #bjaf2.' & .7,guidel9es & /&>ds = ,tactile ,graphics1 #bjaj4.' .7,,ueb ,guidel9es = ,te*nical ,mat]ials1 #bjad.' or .7,guid.e = ,transcrip;n us+ ! ,neme? ,code )9 ,,ueb ,3texts4.' ,pictures to 2 id5tifi$ by "n >e omitt$4 ,! l9es or boxes depict+ ! ^w %ape >e omitt$4 ,writ+ activ;y is omitt$4 ,all font attributes >e omitt$4 ,italics >e us$ to 9dicate bo? bold & italics 9 ? volume4 #f ,^ws ) cross$-\ lrs >e uncontract$1 !n rep1t$ ) a hyph5 sub/itut$ = ea* cross$- \ lr4 ,! 3tract$ ^w is brld af ! uncontract$ ^w4 ,uncontract$ brl is us$ ) a ^w 9 an equa;n4 ,! 3tract$ =m is brld foll[+ ! equa;n4 ,transcrib]'s notes t appe> 9 ? volume >e li/$ 2l1 9clud+ ! pages on : !y appe>4 ,page a#b ,- ,picture3 spid]1 spid" ,picture3 spoon ,picture3 sw+1 sw" ,page #ajd ,- ,brl ! "r ^w 2l ea* s5t;e4 ,page #ba ,- ,yes is circl$4 ,page #g ,- ,*>t is on ! next page4 #g ,guidel9e #c ,transcrib]'s ,notes ,transcrib]'s note is us$ to3 _4 9dicate & expla9 an omis.n1 *ange 9 =mat or addi;n to ! pr9t _4 9dicate an 9t]rup;n ( text _4 describe pictures1 diagrams1 etc4 _4 li/ keys _4 9dicate an uncommon use ( a brl symbol4 #h ,=mat = ;,,tn's3 _4 ,2g9 9 cell #g ) runov]s 9 cell #e4 _4 ,prec$e & foll[ a note ) transcrib]'s note 9dicators4 _4 ,= ;,k-#ast grade1 limit ! note to z few ^ws z possible4 _4 ,write ! notes 9 language t reflects ! grade level ( ! book4 #i ;,k-#ast ,grade _4 @.<,picture@.> _4 @.<,picture omitt$4@.> #bnd & #crd ,grades _4 @.<,pictures >e describ$4@.> _4 @.<,pictures to 2 id5tifi$ by "n >e describ$4@.> #aj ,guidel9e #d ,9kpr9t ,pages ,? is a rem9d] ( ! 9kpr9t pages t wd 2 9clud$ 9 ea* volume4 _4 ,a pr9t copy ( ! title page is alw 9clud$4 ,al recomm5d$ 9 e>ly lit]acy mat]ials >e pr9t copies ( ! ,t1*]'s ,ref];e ,mat]ials : 9clude3 _4 ,special ,symbols page" _4 ,transcrib]'s ,note page"1 9clud+ a li/ ( ea* ;,,tn 9 ! volume1 complete ) correspond+ page numb]4 #aa ,guidel9e #e ,type=m ,9dicators ,k9d]g>t5 mat]ial _4 ,all font attributes >e omitt$4 _4 ,! omis.n is li/$ on ! ,transcrib]'s note page4 ,f/ ,grade _4 ,evaluate & use z few font *anges z possible4 _4 ,use only :5 nec4 _4 ,9 ! case ( two fonts1 italics c 2 us$ to 9dicate bo? italics & bold if x is n nec to 4t+ui% ! bold sep>ately4 #ab ,pr9t+1 ,lrs1 ,s.ds & ,^ws ,l;g ,v[el ,s.ds ,! lrs a1 ;e1 i1 o1 & ;u >e v[els4 ,l;g v[el s.ds say _! [n "n4 ,= example3 ,l;g a is ! s.d 9 snake ,put an ;x on ! pictures t h ! same l;g v[el s.d z ! lr 9 t r[4 a cake skate frog rake ;e toes keys tree bee i bike kite slide l1f 444 #ac ,lrs & ,s.ds #b ;,s ;s ,pr9t ;,s & ;s4 ""=;;; ,s ,s s s ""=;' #ad ,look at ! pictures4 ,pr9t ! a#b 2g9n+ lr on ea* ^w4 ,r1d ! ^w4 star /> @.<,picture3 spider spid]@.> .- pider @.<,picture3 spoon@.> .- poon @.<,picture3 swing sw+@.> .- wing #ae ,second & ,?ird ,grades _4 ,font attributes c 2 us$4 _4 ,evaluate & use z few z possible4 _4 ,keep to a m9imum if possible4 ,pr9t colors & hie play+ flutes4 ,if a ^w or syllable has two v[els1 ! f/ v[el usually /&s = ! l;g s.d1 & ! second v[el is sil5t4 ,if ! f/ v[el is ;u1 ! ^w has ! l;g ;u s.d4 ,y c he> ! l;g ;u s.d 9 ,sue1 ,luke1 & flutes4 ,"h's :at to d6 ,circle ! answ] ,yes or ,no = ea* s5t;e4 ,!n circle ! l;g ;,u ^w 9 ea* s5t;e4 ,pr9t x on ! l9e4 #a ,a r$ vase is blue4 ,yes ,no #b ,we c get too?pa/e 9 a tube4 ,yes ,no 444 #ag ,guidel9e #f ,l9e ,spac+ ,relevant to ,h1d+s1 ,poetry1 ,block$ ,text1 & ,tactile ,graphics ,use ( two blank l9es 9 d\ble-spac$ "w3 _4 2t block$ p>agraphs _4 2t /anzas ( poetry & plays _4 2f & af a c5t]$ h1d+ _4 2f & af a li/ _4 2f a cell-#e h1d+ _4 2f & af box l9es _4 2f & af a tactile graphic _4 2f ex]cise direc;ns4 #ah ,r1d+ ,compreh5.n ,poetry ,r1d+ ,poetry ,r1d4 ,look at ! pictures4 ,answ] ! "qs4 ,9 ! w9t]1 we wait = sn[1 ,!n x's (f to ! hill we g1 ,we walk up ) \r sl$ & a hat on \r h1d1 #ai ,d[n ! hill we slide1 ,= a qk & sn[y ride4 ,"ul9e ! "r answ]4 ,:at =m ( writ+ is ?8 poem /ory ,:at is ? writ+ ab8 skat+ tobo7an+ ,: ^w rhymes ) slide8 ride h1d ,: ^w rhymes ) g8 sl$ sn[ #bj ,/ory ,ele;ts ,p]sonal ,3nec;n ,mak+ a ,3nec;n to ! ,/ory ,r1d ! /ory4 ,?9k ab a "t :5 y 7 sc>$4 ,answ] ! "qs 9 complete s5t;es4 ,at ! ,p>k ,%elby w5t to ! p>k ) h] mom4 ,%e play$ on ! sw+s4 ,h] mom pu%$ h] too hi<4 ,%elby got sc>$ & />t$ to cry4 ,%elby's mom /opp$ ! sw+ & gave h] #ba a hug4 ,:at has sc>$ y8 ,:at made y feel bett]8 #bb ,gloss>y ,^ws #hc regr\p+ to add tactile ,! total is #c t5s1 #aa "os4 ,if ,i trade #aj "os = a t51 xs easi] te see t ! total is #da4 #be #be "6#af ,,or "6#af "33 "3333 #da #da #bc ,draw a picture to %[ h[ to add a#hc #cd "6 #bh4 ,write ! numb] s5t;e4 tactile #bd ,,mms #c ,practice #ed ,,unit #c ,,lesson #aj ,us+ ,m5tal ,ma? to ,subtract ,qk ,review ,y c use m5tal ma? to subtract4 ,hannah collect$ #gc acorns4 ,%e gave #cf acorns to ,corey4 ,h[ _m acorns did ,hannah h left8 ,"h >e "s m5tal ma? /rategies to f9d #gc"-#cf4 _4 ,use a 8frly0 numb]4 ,?9k3 #dj is close to #cf4 #gc"-#dj "7 #cc ,s1 #gc"-#cf "7 #cg4 _4 ,c.t up f #cd to #gc4 ,t9k3 #cf"6#d is #dj1 plus #cj is #gj1 plus #c is #gc4 #d"6#cj"6#c "6 #cg4 ,s1 #gc"-#cf "7 #cg4 #be ,,mms #c ,practice a#ed ,hannah _h #cg acorns left4 ,try ,^! ,use m5tal ma?4 #a4 ,subtract4 a"> #gb"-#bi "7 ;b"> #fh"-#ci "7 ;c"> #ec"-#ca "7 ;d"> #dc"-#bg "7 ;e"> #ch"-#ai "7 ;f"> #hf"-#bg "7 #bf ,,mms #c ,practice b#ed #b4 ,subtract4 a"> #ea ;b"> #ib ;c"> #dg "-#cf "-#fd "-#ch "33 "33 "33 ;d"> #fc "-#bg "33 #bg ,guidel9e #g ,"wbooks & ,spell]s ,horizontal ,^w ,li/s _4 ,use two blank cells 2t ^ws4 ,example3 cat hat bat dog log fog #bh ,ma!matical & ,nonalphabetical ,signs make mak- making mak+ ,a transcrib]'s note wd 2 plac$ on ! ;,,tn page 9 ! ,t1*]'s ,ref];e ,mat]ial at ! front ( ! volume4 ,note may say3 8,^ws ) cross$-\ lrs >e uncontract$1 !n rep1t$ ) a hyph5 sub/itut$ = ea* cross$- \ lr4 ,! 3tract$ ^w is brld af ! uncontract$ ^w40 #bi hope "6 ful "7 hopeful hope;l ,a transcrib]'s note wd 2 plac$ on ! ;,,tn page 9 ! ,t1*]'s ,ref];e ,mat]ial expla9+ h[ ! brl is di6]5t ?an ! pr9t4 ,note may say3 8,uncontract$ brl is us$ = a ^w 9 a ^w equa;n4 ,! 3tract$ =m is brld foll[+ ! equa;n40 #cj ,guidel9e #h ,activities to ,omit ,don't omit an activ;y un.s nec4 ,activities t may h to 2 omitt$3 _4 pictures to 2 id5tifi$ by "n t w rev1l answ]s to ! activ;y or "qs _4 h&writ+ activ;y _4 l9es or boxes depict+ ! %ape ( ^ws _4 puzzles t _c 2 su3ess;lly reproduc$4 ,omitt$ activities >e li/$ on ! ;,,tn page ( ! ,t1*]'s ,ref];e ,mat]ials pages4 @.<,five pages ( fr9t examples %[ activities t may h to 2 omitt$3 ask+ /ud5t to see patt]ns 9 a picture2 complicat$ dot-to-dot puzzle2 h&writ+2 & ^w %ape boxes4@.> #ca ,guidel9e #i ,puzzles _4 ,3figura;n boxes >e pres5t$ z spac$ hyph5s = ea* lr4 ,%apes ( ! 3figura;n boxes >e ignor$4 _4 ,^w se>*es >e s+le spac$1 ) a blank cell 2t lrs4 ,use grade "o mode4 ,use ! dot locator = 8use0 & ! grade "o passage 9dicator4 _4 ,dot-to-dots ,- ,c 2 cr1t$ us+ a tactile draw+4 ,- ,9 brl1 dots c 2 %[n us+ #bcef "<7"> = ea* dot4 ,- ,reta9 num]ic 9dicators & place numb]s ": !y be/ fit )\t 9t]f]+ ) ! move;t f dot to dot4 ,- ,capitaliz$ lrs d n ne$ grade #a 9dicators2 l[]case lrs d4 #cb ,r1d+ ,practice #ee ,r1d+ ,numb] ,^ws #a "o #b two #c ?ree #d f\r #e five #f six #g sev5 #h eis =m pictures 9 ! sky4 ,3nect ! />s4 ,draw l9es 9 numb] ord]4 ,use a blue crayon4 ,make ! ,ll ,dipp] tactile #cd #bf ,foll[ ! dots f #a to #aj4 ,col\r ! picture4 tactile #ce ,m ,si*es ,f9d ^! ^ws3 ""=;;;,,, all come into no she this when an do like not so up but had look said some were can have my saw they what or all come into no she this when an do like not so up but had look said some were can have my saw they what #cf i m y c o m e a l l c h a d a s a i d h n o o l o o k c a n i n o t w h a t a t o s h e t h e y u k t e i n t o h a v e m a n b u t h i s o w h e n w e r e l i l t d o s o m e u p c l i k e e s a w s ""=,';' #cg ,"n #ajd ,*apt] ,*eckup ,*apt] #aj ,draw a l9e f ea* s5t;e to ! "r ^w4 @.<,brl ! "r ^w 2l ea* s5t;e4@.> ,,bru% ,,brush ,,eat ,,sleep ,,safety ,,fre% ,,fresh ,,ex]cise ,,exercise ,,ba? ,,bath #ch a#ajd #a4 .- yr tee? af ea* m1l4 #b4 .- helps muscles get /r;g4 #c4 ,to keep cl1n take a .-4 #d4 ,get 5 .- ea* ni ,mat]ial ,emboss s+le sid$4 ,2g9 ea* activ;y on a new brl page4 ,"n & ,date may 2 omitt$ or reta9$2 t1*] or ag5cy deci.n4 ,d\ble-space = "ul9+ or circl+ ( answ]s4 ,l1ve pl5ty ( space if /ud5t is answ]+ on ! activ;y page4 ,omit pr9t l9es1 da%es etc4 9dicat+ a requir$ answ] 2f or af a "q4 ,use ! "uscore "<.-"> to repres5t a pr9t blank )9 a s5t;e4 #da ,see my ll *]ry tree1 ,) a rosy *]ry j = me4 ,won't y try my ta/y tr1t8 ,a bett] snack y'll n"e eat6 ,"s"ts ;y c /& = ! v[el s.d ( l;g ;e or l;g i4 ,y c he> ! l;g ;e s.d 9 *]ry4 ,give ? a try6 ,circle ea* ^w 9 : ;,y has a l;g ;,e s.d4 baby cry happy :y try e hurry t9y ,molly s&y %y puppy p5ny ,fr$dy funny bunny #db ,n[ try ?6 ,circle ! ^ws 9 ! s5t;es 9 : ;,y has a l;g ;,e s.d4 #a ,ty & ,molly 7 help+ take c>e ( baby ,fr$dy4 #b4 ,!y he>d ,fr$dy cry 9 8 crib4 #c4 ,!y w5t to help 9 a hurry4 #d4 ,!y _h to try "ey?+ to make hm happy4 #e ,ty r1d hm a funny book ab fi% t fly4 #f ,molly gave hm h] bunny to play )4 #g4 ,ty made v silly faces4 #h ,f9ally ,fr$dy 0 happy4 #dc ,lrs1 ,s.ds1 & ,^ws #ba ,clos$ ,"qs ,yes or ,no ,"qs t c 2 answ]$ ) ^1yes or ^1no >e ^1clos$ ^1"qs4 ,r1d ea* "q4 ,is ! answ] yes or no8 ,circle yr answ]4 ,c a bird fly8 ,yes ,no @.<,yes is circl$4@.> ,is an apple a vegetable8 yes no ,is a puppy a baby dog8 yes no 444 #dd ,lesson #ad #ah ,subjects & ,pr$icates 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777 _4 ,e s5t;e has two "ps4 ,! ^1subject ( a s5t;e tells :o or :at ! s5t;e is ab4 ,! ^1pr$icate tells :at ! subject does or :at happ5s to ! subject4 ,,example3 _7,! m>*+ b&_' @#7won ! *ampion%ip@#'4 ^1,subject ,- ,! m>*+ b&2 ^1,pr$icate ,- won ! *ampion%ip gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg ,a4 ,add a subject to ea* pr$icate to make a s5t;e4 #a4 .- play t5nis4 #b4 .- run4 #c4 .- return$ ! ball4 #d4 .- won ! game4 #de ;,b4 ,add a pr$icate to ea* a#ah subject to make a s5t;e4 #a4 ,play]s .-4 #b4 ,"s fans .-4 #c4 ,coa*es .-4 #d4 ,judges .-4 ;,c4 ,write _1subject or _1pr$icate to tell : "p ( ea* s5t;e is "ul9$4 #a4 _1,t5nis is a game4 #b4 ,x _7is play$ ) a racket_'4 #c4 ,! play] _7sw+s ! racket_'4 #d4 _1,a _1ball is al ne$$4 444 #df ;,d4 ,draw "o l9e "u ea* subject b#ah & two l9es "u ea* pr$icate4 #a4 ,t5nis is 9v5t$ by ,major ,walt] ,w+field4 #b4 ,! game 0 call$ t5nis-on-!-lawn4 #c4 ,! f/ ,canadian *ampion%ip took place 9 #ahij4 #d4 ,t5nis is a popul> game4 #e4 ,patricia ,hy is a fam\s t5nis play]4 #f4 ,y c play t5nis1 too4 #dg ,guidel9e #aa ,/orybooks or ,trade ,books ,/orybooks or ,trade ,books cd ref] to leisure r1d+ z well z curriculum books4 ,^! >e (t5 small] siz$ books ) only "o l9e or s5t;e on ea* page4 ,^! may al 2 tw9 vi.n " books4 ,tw9 vi.n books >e regul> pr9t books t3 _4 h brl add$ by us+ cle> adhesive labels _4 h brl add$ by 9s]t+ cle> pla/ic pages4 ,brl faces ! pr9t4 _4 c 2 r1d by bo? pr9t & brl r1d]s4 ,9clude page numb]s :5 %[n 9 pr9t4 @.<,"! is "o pr9t example4@.> #dh ,guidel9e #ab ,m9i-,books _4 ,"wbooks may 9clude m9i-books4 _4 ,m9i-books may h _! [n page numb]s4 _4 ,pr9t r1d] removes pages & folds !m 9to a m9i-book4 #di ,math ,makes ,sense #a mh#a ,math at ,home ,math at ,home #c ,i can see math everywhere ,in patterns all around ,in nature's shapes and numbers ,there's math that can be found4 #ej ,math ,makes ,sense #a mh#b ,shopping ,on your next visit to the grocery store1 look at the different objects on the shelves4 ,how many different objects can you find8 ,describe them4 ,toy ,stories ,gather your favourite toys together in a pile4 ,make up a story problem about the toys4 #ea ,math ,makes ,sense #a amh#b ,when you're done1 see if someone can solve your story problem4 ,now1 let someone else make up a story problem4 ,it's your turn to solve the problem4 #eb ,math ,makes ,sense #a mh#e ,match the ,shapes ,you'll need3 _4 cut-outs on heavy paper of each of these shapes tactile #ec ,math ,makes ,sense #a amh#e ,time to play3 _4 ,pick a shape4 _4 ,can you find an object where you live that has one surface the same as the shape you are holding8 _4 ,pick another shape1 until you have matched them all4 ,which shape was the hardest to match8 ,which was easiest8 ,why do you think so8 #ed ,math ,makes ,sense #a mh#g #ajj-,chart ,game ,board @.<,chart is on ! next page4@.> #ee ,math ,makes ,sense #a amh#g tactile @.<,hundr$s *>t cr1t$ us+ tactile graphics4@.> #ef ,math ,makes ,sense #a bmh#g #== ------------------------------------mh#g ,math ,makes ,sense #a #ajj-,chart ,game ,board #a #b #c #d #e #f #g #h #i #aj #aa #ab #ac #ad #ae #af #ag #ah #ai #bj #ba #bb #bc #bd #be #bf #bg #bh #bi #cj #ca #cb #cc #cd #ce #cf #cg #ch #ci #dj #da #db #dc #dd #de #df #dg #dh #di #ej #ea #eb #ec #ed #ee #ef #eg #eh #ei #fj #fa #fb #fc #fd #fe #ff #fg #fh #fi #gj #ga #ga #gc #gd #ge #gf #gg #gh #eg #gi #hj amh#g #ha #hb #hc #hd #he #hf #hg #hh #hi #ij #ia #ib #ic #id #ie #if #ig #ih #ii #ajj #eh ,math ,makes ,sense #a mh#g #ajj-,chart ,game ,board #a #b #c #d #e #f #g #h #i #aj #aa #ab #ac #ad #ae #af #ag #ah #ai #bj #ba #bb #bc #bd #be #bf #bg #bh #bi #cj #ca #cb #cc #cd #ce #cf #cg #ch #ci #dj #da #db #dc #dd #de #df #dg #dh #di #ej #ea #eb #ec #ed #ee #ef #eg #eh #ei #fj #fa #fb #fc #fd #fe #ff #fg #fh #fi #gj #ga #ga #gc #gd #ge #gf #gg #gh #gi #hj #ha #hb #hc #hd #he #hf #hg #hh #hi #ij #ia #ib #ic #id #ie #if #ig #ih #ii #ajj #ei ,my1 ,y've ,gr[n6 #a ,? book 2l;gs to .-4 --------------------------------------#b ,y've gr[n a lot f h1d to toe s9ce y 7 born6 ,all animals gr[ & *ange z !y get old]4 --------------------------------------#c ,a baby horse1 call$ a foal1 tries to walk ! "d x's born4 ,at f/1 x won't roam f> f xs "m4 ,lat]1 ! foal goes to f9d oats on xs [n4 #fj ,a baby goat is call$ a kid4 ,:5 #d x's full gr[n1 x w h holl[ horns & a be>d4 --------------------------------------#e ,a toad 2g9s xs life z an egg4 ,!n x *anges 9to a tadpole & f9ally 9to a toad4 --------------------------------------#f ,a baby de] is call$ a fawn4 ,xs "m is call$ a doe4 ,! "m protects h] fawn f dang]4 #fa ,a baby dragonfly 2g9s life "uwat]4 #g ,:5 xs \t] sk9 splits op51 x flies (f 9to ! sky6 --------------------------------------#h "3333333333333333333333333334 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "333333333333333333333333333j ,pa/e yr baby picture 9side ? picture frame4 ,write "o or two s5t;es tell+ :at y 7 l z a baby4 #fb